Rules & Regulation

For Children
Always be in neat and tidy uniform. Bring your own study and writing materials. You should not bring any personal song book or any such material other than the course book, in the school. Be very attentive and regular in class for better results. Respect the elders and take care of the young. Instead of fighting / bossing, be friendly. Do not leave the classroom without class outpass. Chewing - gums, bubble gums and supari, mouth freshners are prohibited in the school. Get your leave sanctioned in time. Do not keep funky / trendy hair styles. Do not wear funky jewellery or expensive accessories. Regulations

For Parents

Don’t be too much of a parent, listen to your children, coming down to their level. Be regular to make your children regular. Make them independent, but always be there when they need you. Check their diaries daily. Have a look at their class work, home work, portfolio and test note books regularly. Keep in touch with the school authorities. Give your current mobile number in the office. It should be always in switched-on condition so that you can be contacted timely, in case of an emergency. Respect the child to earn respect and encourage him / her to take own decisions. Tell the children the pros and cons of watching to much TV and using mobile and internet. Be watchful, about your child’s friends circle and also check his / her bag at home to make sure that they bring materials / text books related to school only. As time to time their bags will be checked in the school also. Note that play is an inseparable part of education – so give your children time to play. Discourage dependence on tuitions and encourage regularity in class. Tuitions by VVV Teachers is strictly prohibited upto class X. Hostel facility is available only for boys (from class four onwards). Parent – Teacher meeting is organized four times during the session. Please do attend the meetings.
Examination Rules

Students are required to appear for all assessments and evaluations compulsorily

No re exam will be conducted by policy

In case of medical or necessitated absent cases the average marks from other exams appeared in the session and internal assesments will be taken into account for final result calculation

By rules of State Education Department No students will detained in examinations till class IV. From Class V – IX onwards re exam will be conducted once after final examinations for students not obtaining the passing percentage in any subject. If, still not able to obtain the requisite percentage the students will be detained and not promoted to next class for enabling them to attain minimum level of learning.

For Class XI students will be required to pass in Theory and Practical separately and supplementary exam rules as per CBSE directives will be followed

Pass and re exam Criteria for classes X & XII will be followed as per CBSE directives Please refer to Promotion Policy for further details

Fee Rules

The fee for the session is to be deposited in 4 installments –I installment By 20th April, II installment By 20th July, III installment By 20th October, IV Installment by 20th January

Fee is to be deposited by Cheque, DD or Online payment to the account of Vivekanand Vidya VIhar State Bank of India, Dhamnod

Admit Cards for examination will be not be issued to fee defaulter cases and result will be withheld in case of non-payment of fee

Cyber Safety Rules

Maintaining pages using School name on any social media platform is strictly prohibited and is a legal offence as per Cyber law.

No electronic gadgets are allowed to be carried to school during regular academic days / PTMs / Celebrations / Events? Excursions / Outings / Tours etc.

Use of Social Media and Casual Chat is not permitted for any staff member or students in school during regular working hours

Transport Rules

School Bus facility is a paid service on approved government rates.

No partial bus fee payment is permissible

Change in stop has to be requested in writing to school

Bus service is provided fro and to the residential address of the student

In case of fee defaulters bus facility can be withdrawn with prior notice

Property Rules

School property is to be safely used by students for their facility of educational development

In case of loss to property, of any nature, a standing fine of Rs 100/- will be levied

On deliberate damage to the school property of any nature and identification of the same by Discipline Committee, the student may have to face expulsion reprimand and actual cost of repair / replacement as fine

Attendance Rules

All students have to maintain compulsorily, minimum 75% attendance in the session.

Absenteeism has to be sought permission beforehand through a written application to the Principal in case of leaves for 3 or more days. Short leaves can be applied for permission / information to the class teacher.

Irregularity to school as a habit will be considered as a discipline offence and appropriate measures will be adopted to check it in cooperation with the parents

Student Movement Rules

No student will be permitted to leave school early for frivolous reasons.

Only in case of medical ailments would the parent be notified to take the child from school as per need

No student is permitted to miss any period in school hours for any unpermitted reason. If found doing so, may face strict disciplinary action

Uniform Rules

School uniform, as prescribed, has to be compulsorily followed in quality on all days by all students

No exemptions are permitted for any reason

Students should be wearing appropriate school uniform on all days of PTMs / Events / Outings unless advised otherwise by authorities