Awareness Campaign

Eco-Friendly Ganpati

VVV Maral students made eco-friendly Ganpati and enthroned the deity in school. Every morning a class took the turn to pray and seek blessings for everyone's success and peace in the world. The enthusiastic students offer '56 type prasadi bhog' and reverberate the "Ganesh Mantra" in true spirit. Every evening the boarders with residential teachers did the ‘Ganpati Seva' and celebrated the togetherness with interesting games and presentations.

SDGs Based Parent Teacher Meeting

VVV Maral Sarovar aims to develop responsible citizens and students are instilled in the value of environmental conservation and social welfare. These values reflect in each and every activity of the school. Keeping the same vision, on the first PTM of this session, a plantation drive was organized. Parents showed great enthusiasm for it and our SDG Club students got around 50 saplings planted.

Poster Making Competition

VVV Maral Sarovar organized an Inter-House Poster making competition in two categories i. e. Junior and Senior on 23/07/2022, Saturday. The aim of the competition was to ignite the fire of imagination and creativity in the students. The theme of the competition was ‘Save Animals’ for juniors and ‘Use Green Energy- Stop Pollution’ for seniors. This CCA activity was completely dedicated to SDG - 7 Affordable and Clean Energy.

Co-Curricular Activities

Under CCA Activities, Inter-house Quiz and Essay writing competition was held at VVV Maral Sarovar. The theme of the quiz competition was ‘Nature’ based on various SDGs- Life on Land. Senior students wrote an essay on the topic "Me and Tree” after watching a movie based on trees.

"Forests are the lungs of planet earth" and also a boon for human society. The awareness of this is necessary and realising this responsibility, students of class IX of VVV Maral presented a special assembly on this theme covering the theme of SDG 15 - Life on Land. Students prepared a beautiful dance performance depicting tribal tradition highlighting how Trees and Tribes co-exist and are an integral part of each other. The assembly was much appreciated and conveyed an impactful message.

FIT India Campaign

FIT India "A sound mind in a sound body” Vivekians took an initiative and became a part of the CBSE Fitness Week and brought about a behavioural change in its students by spending 'Passive Screen Time' to 'Active field' and supported the idea to welcome New Year by organizing class wise competitions. The students were encouraged to exercise daily to have a healthy life and share their creative videos.

Online Yoga Day Celebration

‘Yoga is the journey of the self, to the self, and through the self’ Yoga embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. The international Yoga Day was celebrated on the morning of 21st June, 2020. All the members of Vivekanand family performed various Yogasanas enthusiastically and highlighted that ‘A healthy mind stays in a healthy body’ and both of these are together possible with Yoga.

Eco Friendly Ganesh

कला भी साधना का ही एक रूप है । जब कला देव स्वरुप को ही उकेरने लगे, तब तो वह और चैतन्य हो जाती है। विवेकानंद विद्या विहार के विद्यार्थियों ने इस गणेशोत्सव पर प्रकृति मित्र (ईको फ्रेंड्ली) गणेश प्रतिमाएं बना कर, अपनी रचना शक्ति में आध्यात्मिक चेतना का सम्मिलन किया।

Agnihotra Ashram Visit

Agnihotra is a healing fire from the ancient science of Ayurveda. It is a process of purifying the atmosphere through a specially prepared fire performed at sunrise and sunset daily. Anyone in any walk of life can do Agnihotra and heal the atmosphere in his/her own home. Thousands of people all over the world have experienced that Agnihotra reduces stress, leads to greater clarity of thought, improves overall health, gives one increased energy, and makes the mind more full of love.

VVV Maral students made the memorable trip to Agnihotra ashram at Ladvi, Maheshwar on the occasion of Swami Vivekanand Jayanti and learnt about this unique process. The researchers from Germany and Australia at the ashram oriented the students about the process and organic farming. They also got acquainted with forest culture and its development.

Ganpati Making

Eco -friendly Ganeshji Making Activity (02/09/2019) Students of Vivekananda Vidya Vihar Maral Sarovar are learning to make Ganeshji using natural clay. It's well known that plaster of Paris is harmful to the environment which is commonly used to make Ganeshji. Our school has taken initiative to save the environment and arranged a workshop of making Ganeshji with natural clay. This activity was done by small students. They have made their own Ganeshji and decorated it. It was a wonderful workshop. Students did a big effort to save the environment by their small hands.

Rakshabandhan in harmony with environment

On 14th of August 2019 Independence Day and Raksha Bandhan was celebrated by the classes Nursery to III. Students tied tricoloured Rakhis on the wrist of school's helpers, on the trees and on each other's hands and took the pledge to save the environment and to be united.

Plantation Drive

VVV Maral students took a promise to care for the saplings planted and make their campus greener . They vowed to care for the planet and make this earth greener. Children are doing their lot to save the planet for their future, let's do our bit to save this planet for our future -our children . Let us plant trees !

Green Day

On 31st August 2019, the pre-primary kids of our School did plantation in the campus, recited rhymes, learnt story of Green Trees and Birds. They all dressed up in green to celebrate Green Day. Kids enjoyed a lot while wearing different kinds of dresses and teachers explained them that each one of you must protect nature and greenery to make this planet beautiful.

Fit India Movement

An International Yoga Day was conducted from 1st to 5th May, 2019 at VVV, Maral School premises. Our yoga trainer taught the Yoga Asans & Surya Namaskar to students and explained the importance of the Yoga in one’s life. All the students from classes’ sixth to ninth participated in this workshop with much enthusiasm.