
Session on Fire Safety and Fid Aid training & Awareness

Students of class XI & XII attended a special session on Fire Safety and Fid Aid training & awareness. The students were educated about types and causes of fires. What may cause a fire and the course of action to take in order to ensure safety for oneself and his/her peers, as well as the correct method of extinguishing the fire. The session was conducted by the very capable and dependable Jugraj Singh Sir and Bablu Singh Sir representatives of Maral Overseas Limited. Under their supervision the students learnt to use fire extinguishers with proper guidance. The students then had a session with Dr. Soni who is also a representative of Maral Overseas Limited. Who educated the students of the components of a first aid kit, the purpose of every element and when and how to appropriately use these to treat cuts, bruises or burns. Dr. Soni also took the opportunity to counsel the students about health and hygiene as well as good practices to keep diseases away and lead a healthy life. The students learnt of valuable life skills that will help them tackle adverse situations if they ever arise. Empowering them to be brave and resourceful individuals during moments of crisis.

Teachers Session on Psychological Wellness

Psychological Wellness Session was organized for the teachers and staff of Vivekanand Vidya Vihar. The session was conducted by Dr. Ali Hussaini, who is an Assessment Psychologist, Therapist & Counsellor associated with IIM, Indore. During the session, teachers actively engaged by discussing the challenges they face in their work and personal lives, including topics such as time management, stress, work-life balance, goal setting, and navigating relationships with students, colleagues, and superiors.

Open Heart Sessions for The Professional Development of Teachers

Vivekanand Vidya Vihar recently organized a series of interactive workshops as part of their Continuous Professional Development program for teachers. The workshops covered various themes, including chess, music integrated learning, dance integrated learning, age-specific learning, cooperative learning structure, multiple intelligence and mind mapping. Each workshop aimed to provide teachers with valuable knowledge and skills relevant to their teaching practices and student engagement.

Team Building -Teachers Training at Safari Adventure Park

On the 28th of March 2023 a trip to Safari Adventure Park, Indore was organized for the staff of Vivekanand Vidya Vihar. The Safari Adventure Park at Indore is a well-known destination that organizes activities and games that help improve team spirit and bonding along with creating an understanding of individual roles when working in teams. The teachers were brought out of their comfort zones through various challenges and were stimulated to use their intelligence and soft skills to complete and win these challenges. The games and activities helped the staff find room for improvement on both levels as an individual and as a team. Mr. Rakesh Jain, a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming coach helped the staff identify the mental barrier that the mind creates which limits our progress in real life. The workshop gave the teachers new insight into productivity, growth and teamwork.

CBP Offline Session on Art Integration

Art Integrated Learning seeks to integrate various art forms such as songs, street plays, acts, dramas, poems and mimes into traditional education systems and teaching processes to enhance the teaching learning process. Vivekanand Vidya Vihar is mentored by NCERT DIRECTOR (Art Integrated Teaching) through various Training Programmes organized for teachers exclusively. School was the proud host of CBSE’s Art Integrated Learning, training programme for teachers of the region also. This training programme witnessed the participation of sixty-six teachers from various CBSE schools of the region. These trainings equip teachers with various art based activities involving music, clay art, drama dance making them realize the effective nature of this advanced and empowering mode of learning.

CBSE Training on Integrated Payment System

CBSE Training on Integrated Payment System was held at Vivekanand Vidya Vihar as the City Coordinator Principal school in January 2023. The training was conducted inorder to ensure that the CBSE schools within the district learnt and implemented the newly launched Integrated Payment System. The training was attended by all the principals of the Khargone district schools who learnt about important pointers regarding data entry into the CBSE portal. The training was conducted by Khargone City Coordinator, Respected Rashmi Kaushal Baveja.

Parent Engagement Programme

Adapting a new curriculum in education is not only a positive change in enhancing the teaching learning process but it is also a great experience for teachers, parents and ultimately for children to about advanced content and explore avenues of child’s personality further. Chrysalis curriculum adopted at VVV Maral is one such type of curriculum which is concerned about child thinking progress and Metacognition. The parent engagement programme cum PTM on 10th Oct. for class I and II based on this curriculum was organized. Through this programme parents experienced the pedagogy of think room transformation in kids and were made aware about their role as a parent.

Chrysalis Curriculum Training Program

A Chrysalis training session was held in Vivekananda Vidya Vihar, Maral Sarovar in the month of June for the teachers. The training comprised a seminar that taught the teachers how to work efficiently and productively for the students. The highlight of the session was understanding a child through the main domains of development (cognitive, social, emotional and meta-cognitive). The main focus of the session was to work on the Student’s learning outcomes like - what I will be able to do and what I can do.

Continuous Professional Development

A four-day faculty development program was held in VVV Maral Sarovar School before the introduction of new session 2022-23. School management organized “Heart Opening Sessions” comprising of SAIL (Sport & Art Integrated) sessions of different genres, including dance, art, music, sports and software training programs. The Music session “Naad Se Anhad” was concentrated upon technical points of music-both notes and rhythm – associating beats/rhythm with the clapping and swar with the whistling. “Self Identification by Art” session was focused on "Colour, Shape and Mind "elaborating the effect of colour and shapes on human mind. Dance Session “Trending Variety” was focused on the aspect of differentiated learning as each child is unique and requires attention, opportunity and exposure in unique ways.

Webinar on Health Awareness and COVID Safety

The COVID-19 infection has become a part of our daily lives since March 2020. It remains as important as ever to stay vigilant and know how to protect oneself from Corona virus. Dr. Kusum Patidar – a renowned doctor of the area conducted a webinar for school students and parents. She detailed some very simple steps one can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect oneself and others.

Webinar on Mental Health and Music Therapy

As a treatment technique, music can be explored to create a harmonious and peaceful state for the mind and body. Dr.A Savari Thombre (Director Music Therapy Ph.D Music, B.Ed , NET, Sangeet Alankar, Kathak Visharad) (Pune) had been invited to interact with students and parents to emphasize over the importance of Music in mental well-being and maintaining cheer and positivity. She had shared her expert advice and experiences about medicinal benefits of Music treatment.

Physical & Sports Education Workshop

Sri Aurobindo Ashram-Delhi Branch organized a 6 days online workshop on Integral Education with specific emphasis on physical education and sports activities from 21 to 26 September, 2020 for Sports and Primary teachers from Nursery to Class 5 to impart a deeper understanding of integral education. The workshop was designed to be very comprehensive and integrated to cover all key aspects for primary school education, which can later be imparted to school students by the teachers. The workshop covered key concepts of Integral Education, meditation and the importance of physical activities, sports and fitness training along with Integral Health. Our School team of 12 members:- 1. Nisha Rathore, 2. Sheetal Jain, 3. Antimbala Gangrade, 4. Sandhya Shukla, 5. Sonali Fating, 6. Babita Sharma, 7. Pravati Parida, 8. Anjali Kewat, 9. Shubham Chouhan, 10. Deepak Meena, 11. Sunil Mishra, 12. Jyoti Karma have participated in the workshop and learned what is actual integral education and how to make children's good motor ability for their bright future.

Teacher Training

Vivekanand Vidya Vihar organized a workshop on 'Teachers Motivation and 21st Century Smart Skill', for educators. The resource persons, Mr.Gaurav Singh Solanki and his colleague Mr. Gourav Sharma discussed about the Role of teacher in student life and Being teacher- How the teacher should be? The main objective of the workshop cum discussion was to understand the competency needed to be built throughout the school journey of a student to make him/her develop the right set of skills and a general aptitude for new opportunities outside the traditional teaching and learning methods. Critical thinking focuses on possibilities and involves a lot of experimentation; It begins with questioning, embraces ambiguity and deals with the challenges of learning; It generates interest in learners. The workshop was quite informative and a great learning experience.

Impact of COVID-19 on Parenting

With a view to provide an insight into the influence of COVID-19, VVV organized a webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on Parenting” and spread positive vibes among the parents. The talk ended with the key note of Importance of Co- ordination between School and Parents to promote Online Education as better alternative to align the children to the main stream of education.

Adventure Teacher's Training

On 19th April, 2019 Vivekanand Vidya Vihar, Maral School organized one day Outdoor Adventure Workshop for school staff members at Safari Activity Park, Indore. The ‘out of box’ workshop was conducted by Mr Rakesh Jain – NLP Coach. Every moment of the workshop was loaded with good learnings, which enabled all the staff members to take lives towards new dimensions.

Learning from the workshop can be summarized in these points; Remove Ego - It's our ego which stops us to move forward and to make efforts to achieve the goals. Nothing is impossible - By making efforts we can do anything and everything. Teamwork - Alone we can do little, together we can do so much. We understood the meaning of this thought practically by playing team games. We realised that if we work together and help each other we will achieve our goals fast. Give100%, play safe, be fair - This is the SUCCESS MANTRA. These three points are the keys to success. We learnt to imbibe these in our nature. Mindset - We should think positive and have a growth mindset beacuse positive aura influences our surroundings.

Experimental Workshop

The experimental workshop was organised to help and maximize the students engagement in pedagogical activities which are designed to instill interest & learning with enjoyment. This kind of workshop helps students to learn & understand things in a simple and fun manner.

The Experimental workshop was organised to help and maximize the students engagement in pedagogical activities which are designed to inculcate interest & learning with enjoyment. This kind of workshop helps students to learn & understand things in a simple and fun manner. The workshop was much appreciated by students as they got to know so many new things and techniques.

CBSE Teacher Training for Capacity Building

The CBSE training program for teachers was wonderful, knowledgeable, inspirable and enthusiastic for the development of students. During two days of the programme there were five sessions of different activity and topics. The training started with the warm welcome of resource persons by the Principal of Graphite School. After that our resource persons began the session with activity based introduction of all the 43 participants who were from different schools.

This review was commissioned by the Department of Education as part of its development program to achieve an Excellence in Mathematics strategy for the province. This strategy arose out of concerns about the adequacy of the mathematics curriculum in the region. These concerns centered on perceptions that students are expected to achieve too many outcomes, that the program pays inadequate attention to basic mathematical skills and operations, and that the textbooks in some grades are inadequate.

Music Workshop

Vivekanad Vidya Vihar Students got the privilege of 2 day long exclusive workshop by renowned vocalist Shri Bhuvnesh Komkali ji 'Grandson of Pt Kumar Gnadharv '. The children were guided for honing their skills in Vocal music & Percussion and Keyboard Instruments. This enabled students to take their passion to the next level and develop the caliber to pursue it further. This music workshop was very much beneficial and a great learning for those students who want to make their future in the music industry.