Policies & Committee


School formulates various committees for Democratic and decentralized functioning

School Management Committee

This committee decides over all policies of school functioning and SOPs. Any policy related matter can be presented/discussed in SMC meetings and enquiries as per the nature/discretion of SMC Chairman and Secretary with 50% members of the SMC. President-Maral Overseas Limited is the Chairman of SMC is Principal- School functions and Secretary of SMC. Academic Director of LNJ Group Schools is the advisory member of this committee.

Examination Committee

This committee plans the examination calendar, evaluation & question paper pattern and executes examinations of the school as per policy. It compromises of – School Coordinator, Examination In-charges (PGT/Sr TGT- 2 In-charges), Academic In-charge, 2 member PGT/ TGT/ Block Coordinators. Principal functions as the monitoring and executive head of this committee. Academic Director of LNJ Group Schools is the advisory member of this committee.

Academic Committee

This committee plans & executes academic calendar and pedagogy of school for attainment of concepts & minimum levels of learning. The academic planning and logs are coordinated and executed by this committee members. It comprises of School Coordinator, Academic In-charge and Block Coordinators. Principal functions as the monitoring and executive head of this committee. Academic Director of LNJ Group Schools is the advisory member of this committee.

Cultural Committee

This committee plans & executes co-curricular calendar of school for cultural environment for holistic development of students. Daily assembly, celebrations, major school events, inter-house competitions, hobby classes, PTM activities, awareness programmes of school are planned, coordinated and executed by this committee members. It comprises of School Coordinator, Events In-charge, Events Coordinator, Block Coordinators and Activity teachers. Principal functions as the monitoring and executive head of this committee.

Discipline Committee

Various discipline measures are executed and monitored by this committee members as per policy. Disciplinary actions are implemented with appropriate approvals wherever necessary by this committee members. It comprises of School Coordinator, Administrator, Physical Education/Sports Teachers and Block Coordinators. Principal functions as the monitoring and executive head of this committee, Class teachers are ground level implementers of school discipline.

Sanitation Committee

School adopts Green school concept for waste management and optimal use of resources. Hygiene and school cleanliness measures are planned and implemented with appropriate checklists wherever necessary by this committee members. It comprises of Administrator, Warden, Physical Education/Sports Teachers and Area in-charges. School Coordinator functions as the executive head of this committee. Principal monitors the functioning of this committee. Class teachers are ground level implementers of school sanitation and cleanliness.

Arrival/Dispersal Committee

This committee plans and executes arrival and departure norms and pattern of students and staff. It comprises of Administrator, Warden, Physical Education/Sports Teachers and Area in-charges. School Coordinator functions as the monitoring and executive head of this committee. Teacher in-charges and class teachers are ground level implementers of the policy as laid.

Sexual Harassment/Grievance Redressal/POCSO Committee

School consciously ensures physical and emotional safety of all its students and members. Committing to make school as a safe place this committee plans and implements policy measures as per GOI and SMC recommendations. This committee compromises of Staff representative SMC members, Parent representative SMC members, SMC member nominated, Student Council nominated member, Principal representative SMC member.


Student Discipline Policy

Discipline All students and boarders are to attend all the roll call line-ups in proper dress and in time. They should meticulously observe all dress regulations and the schedule prescribed for various activities They should observe proper manners and etiquettes at all times. Boarders should conduct themselves in the B.H. in such a manner that it does not cause inconvenience or disturbance to other boarders. They must help each other in studies, and in keeping the B.H. neat and clean. They should look after the one who is not keeping well and needs help. All boarders must obey the B.H. Captain. They should report immediately to the B.H. Captain/Warden whenever they experience any difficult or when they notice anything unusual. They should meet the parents and other visitors only in the visitor's room.

Loss and Damage to School Property: Students should conduct themselves in such a manner that they do not cause loss or damage to school property. They should report to the class teacher or the house master, any damage that might have been caused by them or others.The offender will not only have to make good the loss or damage caused, but may also have to suffer punishment as deemed necessary. Any repetition of the offence may result in the student's expulsion from the school.

Health Policy

Medical : A boarder must immediately report either to the B.H. Captain or to the Warden, if he is not feeling well and needs medical help. In case neither of them is available, he should ask one of the boarders to report the matter to the Duty Master or to any of the staff members or to the Principal, irrespective of the time of the day.
Day Scholars have to immediately report the inconvenience to the teacher and report to sick room, further for dispensary visit or parents to be called

Cleanliness : All students should ensure that the classrooms and the school premises are always kept neat and tidy. Waste paper and waste materials should be thrown into garbage bins (wet and dry) kept in the classrooms and at other places. Lawns and flower beds must be looked after with care so that they add beauty and freshness to the school campus.